Step Two!

I suppose step one was deciding once and for all that I have to do something about my weight and then posting all of that nonsense for all the world to see.

For me, step two was moving my treadmill from the garage to the living room. Then, while I was at the grocery store today, I ran into a high school friend whose little girl is in kindergarten with Jesse. She, too, is exercising and losing weight and told me I HAD to get Jillian Michael’s “30-Day Shred” video. I found it for $9, bought it, and also bought two hand weights to get started. I’m so excited! My first goal with the treadmill is to use it for 30 minutes a day. I figure, even if I get two 15-minute walks/runs while watching cartoons with the kids, it will be a great start. After all, right now…I don’t get ANY exercise. In fact, I get winded after walking up a flight of stairs. It’s a pain in my back to bend over and pull a whole load of clothes out of the washing machine.

That is just absolutely ridiculous!

Tomorrow is my first weigh-in.  🙂


One Response to “Step Two!”

  1. Cacy Says:

    30 day shred is AWESOME!!! it kicks your butt PLUS it’s ONLY 20 minutes!!! my kind of workout! haha!! good luck!!