Created For Care

I guess it makes sense that the first time I post in over a month is while I sit listening to the worship team do their sound check. I’m at the Created for Care retreat at Lake Lanier. There are over 400 adoptive moms here, representing over 1100 children, biological and adopted.
The past month has been a breath of fresh air; like stepping into the stream of living waters. I deleted my Facebook account, ignored the blog (and everyone else’s), and we’ve just enjoyed each other and basked in the Lord. Through this time of reflection, seeking the Lord in our new found quiet, and just waiting–listening for His voice, we got a better glimpse of His plan for our family. Isn’t it always incredible to look back on the journey God has had you on and see how it has led you to the exact place you’re at right now. I don’t know what next week or next year will look like, but I know His plans for my family are GOOD! So. Good.

He is sovereign.

He sets the lonely in families.

Even the sparrow has found a home, the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young a place near your altar…
Psalm 84:3

(This is the theme verse for our retreat.)

Before our home study was sent to immigration, we changed it to request two sisters under the age of nine.

If we can have our own “babies”, why are we requesting a baby?

God placed us in a foster agency that kept siblings together, and we loved that! Why not take the opportunity to keep a sibling group together?

Our change of plans…God’s changing of our plans…won’t make sense to the world and maybe even to our friends. That’s okay with us. Coming home with two school-age princesses that don’t speak our language isn’t going to be all rainbows and sunshine…but God!
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the Earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9

I’m so thankful for this refreshing weekend with hundreds of women who have either tread this same path before me or are walking it right alongside me.

Praying your weekend is full of joy as you see His glory in all the nooks and crannies; right where He has you.



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