I’m a Weight Watcher (again.)

After only one day working in the garden, I was in excruciating pain in my lower back and legs. I didn’t even go to church yesterday because I didn’t sleep the night before due to my back hurting so badly.

Today I decided, enough is enough. I got online, bought a monthly pass to Weight Watchers for only $19.95 and went up the street to weigh-in. Let’s just say I’m still well over 200 lbs. But not for long. I’m really excited about the new PointsPlus program. I lost 60 lbs. using Weight Watchers seven years ago and a lot has changed since then. For starters, all fruit is free now. Fruit does not use any of your points. And, the new system allows you more points than before so it is easier to recover from a high point meal and still have points left for dinner. For example, today I didn’t eat breakfast so I took the kids to Chickfila after the park. Even after my lunch, I still have 16 points left for dinner.  That is fantastic!  I will probably go to the Saturday morning meetings from now on, so I’ll have to weigh in again in five days.  It’s just more motivation to do really, really well this first week.

Once I reach my first goal, a loss of 5%, I’ll post a before picture with stats and goals.  Today as I saw my weight on paper, I asked myself, why is it I pray about everything else in my life but not about my weight.  I plan on bathing this entire process in prayer.  I pray that I will exercise the fruits of the Spirit and that self-control will keep me on track and down the road to optimal health for myself and my family.  Girlfriends, hold me accountable.  Ask me how much I’ve lost and how I’m doing.  Because apparently it not only takes a village to raise a child, but also to keep a girl on a diet!



2 Responses to “I’m a Weight Watcher (again.)”

  1. Cacy Says:

    That’s GREAT Audra!! WW definitely is a great program!! I recently read Made To Crave by Lysa Terkeurst and it was
    WONDERFUL!! You should check it out…. 🙂 Good Luck with your weight loss journey!

  2. jenny Says:

    i did ww after i had rebekah.. it totally helped me. i was at my halfway point of baby weight to lose and i was stuck! so i tried ww. i still have the notebook that i wrote all my meals/points in and my weight every day. kinda crazy to look back and see how fast it worked and i think i only did it for two months. you may already know, but there is a blog http://www.skinnytaste.com (called gina’s skinny recipes) and she used to have ww points for most things.
    you can do it girl! :o)
    ps. i read your post about spinach smoothies and tried them the other day! my kids LOVED them. they thought it was a “treat”.