A Little of This, A Little of That

It sure was an exciting weekend for this relatively boring momma.

My parents came last Friday and spent the day with us.  It was a lot of fun.  I always enjoy seeing my dad with my boys; it’s just precious.  My dad leaves for Iraq in a few weeks so this was his last visit to our house.  We had dinner together that night and then the boys (out of nowhere) had emotional meltdowns at the thought of not seeing grandpa until the end of the summer….so my dad said, “Let’s go pack your bags; you’re coming home with me for a few days.”  It was priceless and I think it really did the boys good.

Saturday, the Pioneer Woman was in town!  The reason she was in Georgia was because she had just come from Savannah where she filmed a show with Paula Dean.  I missed the morning talk she gave to homeschooling moms because we were childless for the weekend which meant sleeping in and Chick-fil-a biscuits.  However, a friend picked me up and we arrived just in time to get FRONT ROW seats to the evening event!  In fact, we were sitting so close, I couldn’t even see half the pictures in her slide show because she was literally two feet in front of my face as she talked about each picture.  I had a blast.  It’s so strange to meet people in real life when you’ve been reading about their lives (and cooking their recipes) for so long.  I loved the stories she had to tell and I especially loved that she had her boys and her husband with her, so when the “talk” was over, her boys played around with the computer and microphone while she signed books.  I got my cookbook signed by both her and her husband; such a fun treat.

Sunday night was a Girls’ Night Out event with Anita Renfro and Mandisa (remember her from American Idol?)  It was wonderful and absolutely hilarious.  I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time!  Ashley and a friend from her church were there as well.  The whole event was sold out, but we found each other at the end for a picture.

And the strangest event for my weekend would have to be this:


Yep, that’s an egg with absolutely no shell, no membrane, nothin’!  This is Henrietta, who we also call Big Bossy (because that’s what she is!). I mean, if I would’ve known she was gonna do that, I would’ve just perched her over the fryin’ pan!  lol!  The bad thing is, I don’t think she’s the only one doing it.  We’ve had four shell-less eggs in three days.  The solution should be adding calcium through ground oyster shells in their diet.  We started that yesterday.  We’ll see how it goes.

Lastly and probably most importantly, as we’ve been praying about what to do and where to go in regards to our adoption (after all the changes that have been made with Ethiopia), I’ve just had an overwhelming peace to just stay put.  However, I can’t help but also yearn for a baby.  A pink, soft, good-smellin’ newborn.  Thoughts crossed my mind like, “Well, if it’s going to take two or three years to get our baby from Ethiopia, maybe we can just have another baby of our own in the meantime.” But of course that’s just me being impatient and desperately wanting another baby.  Then, I received a phone call this morning from a lady I go to church with.  She informed me that she has a family member who is pregnant, has given at least one previous baby up for adoption, is having a girl this time, and is giving this baby up as well….do I want her phone number?  Wow.  It was a lot to process, but Josh said I should definitely call her and get some details and we’ll just pray that if it’s meant to be, everything will fall into place, and if not we prayed God would close the door right away.  I’m waiting for the lady to call me back.  But don’t be mislead, if, by a great miracle, we end up adopting this baby, we would still continue to pursue our Ethiopian baby.  It is all in God’s hand.  Our hearts are for the orphans, regardless of where they’re from.  God knows who each of our children are and will be.

**UPDATE** The girl who is pregnant has actually already chosen a family for her baby, through the agency she’s working with. She didn’t want her baby to stay in our area so it will be out of state. But, at least I now know that we’re certainly open to however the Lord wants to send us babies!



One Response to “A Little of This, A Little of That”

  1. sarah Says:

    hi audrey. i was invited to your “bows for life” party by kathy ellis and kathryn spivey. i really hope i can come and get to meet you and learn more about your adoption plans. i have, or had, chickens as well (we are taking a break from the chicken business to sell our house) but we had some of our girls lay shell-less eggs too. increasing the calcium intake with oyster shells seemed to do the trick. ours layed beautiful strong shell-“full” eggs from then on. as soon as we move, we are looking forward to raising another brood.