Shower Schooling

We were so blessed to have a dear friend of mine as Jesse’s tutor (teacher) at co-op this year. Mrs. Wessner is truly a gift from God to the eight children in her class. Some of our weekly memorization material is already put to music on the memory CD, but about half of it is not. However, every week Mrs. Wessner creates her own little ditties for the memory work that is not already set to music. These songs are always easy to remember and quite catchy! Usually the mothers are holding their phones in the air during class so we can record the homemade songs and use them throughout the week to help our kids with their memorization. Mrs. Wessner uses a variety of voices, her own animation, and the joy of the Lord to teach our children to love learning. It’s quite infectious and I always look forward to Tuesday mornings with Mrs. Wessner.

Just last night, Jesse was in the shower in my bathroom and Owen was in the bath tub in the boys’ bathroom. At one point I could hear Jesse singing about the Protestant Reformation in the shower while at the same time I could hear Owen (my three year old that sits in class with us on Tuesdays) singing the five phases of the moon (which Mrs. Wessner put to the tune of Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes) in the bath tub. I have to smile at those moments when it really hits me that the things they are learning at these tender ages really will stay with them forever.

We sure love our classical home education and the Classical Conversations community.

Who knows what I may learn from bath time tonight!


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