Great News All Around

It is 8:45am, Thursday morning.

The windows are wide open, the birds are chirping, the children are squealing in the front yard as they breathe in the beautiful morning air. The washing machine is spinning and here I sit, at the computer, with a big cup of hot coffee by my side.

My mom had major back surgery yesterday. She’s been suffering with severe spinal stenosis for quite some time now and the doctor felt it was time to operate. What he found when he opened her back and exposed her spine was much worse than he expected. Through God’s great grace and mercy, the surgeon was able to accomplish everything needed to relieve my mother of the pain that has kept her up at night, led her to quit her job as a nurse, and has been hindering her quality of life. By the time she got upstairs to a post-op room, she was awake. She looked at my dad and me with tears in her eyes and said, “My legs don’t hurt anymore!”

The surgeon told us that the day after surgery is said to be the worst for post-op pain. Today is that day. It is also her birthday. My mother and her twin brother are 56 years old today. Happy Birthday Momma and Uncle Mike! I love you very much. The boys and I will be praying for Mom at the top of every hour today. I pray for a supernatural recovery that baffles the scientific minds of her doctors.

I look forward to spending the day with her on Saturday as my dad picks up my aunt from the airport. What a blessing to have adult siblings willing to drop everything to fly down south and take care of their little sister. My mother and her twin brother are the youngest of five. Only two of them know the Lord; my mom and the aunt that will be arriving first. I pray that the Lord will use the time with her oldest sister (who is arriving in a few weeks) to reveal Himself to her more than ever before. Many seeds have been planted over the years and we’re praying for harvest!

On the topic of harvest, my wheat berries that I planted have sprouted!!! I wasn’t sure if they would, but they have and now I plan to plant an entire 25′ row to harvest in early spring.

In our book club, we’ve moved on to the sequel in Marta’s Legacy. It is a two-part novel by Francine Rivers and the second book, Her Daughter’s Dream just released on Tuesday. I brought it to the hospital yesterday and by the time I went to bed last night I was already through the first hundred pages. I’m going to have to fight the temptation to abandon my responsibilities and curl up with my book today. I figure if I can get my house work taken care of this morning and complete our school work when the baby goes down for a nap, I should be able to read for a while after lunch. đŸ™‚

Have a fantastic Thursday! We have a field trip tomorrow and Josh took the day off to go with us. We’re taking a boat tour of the Augusta Canal as well as having some time in the classroom to learn some science facts about the wildlife on the canal. Should be great fun. I plan to take pictures. Tomorrow night is girls’ night as we celebrate my sister-in-law’s 25th birthday at Taco Sushi. I’ve never been there so I’m very excited. I could eat sushi every single day if I could afford it!


One Response to “Great News All Around”

  1. Jan e Gaddy Says:

    Audrey! I just stumbled across your blogsite. I didn’t know about it, and it is delightful. I will add it to my list to follow. I’ve just read your latest post—about your mother. I trust all is well with her and that she’s recovering nicely. “The Great Physician now is here, the sympathizing Jesus.” He loves us with an intense love!

    You keep writing. I’ll keep reading.

    Love to you and the family.