New Growth

It’s hard to believe it’s been almost a month since we started our 2010 garden. As I walk the rows a few times a day, pulling weeds, adding compost, etc, I often have to fight the microwave mentality. The hurry up, I want it now attitude that 21st century Americans have adopted. When I think back to a month ago, when 90% of the plants that are now in my garden were tiny little seeds that I could barely pick up with two fingers, I am in awe. Look how far we’ve come in one month:

April 15th:

May 12th:


Who knew potatoes did this!?  I didn’t!

Another shot of the three potato plants.

I love this picture of my green beans.


Look at the tiny little green peppers that have already begun growing!  They are SO CUTE!

My two strong tomato plants.  They’re doing awesome!  When I planted them a month ago, they were barely six inches tall and now they’re growing up and out of their little cages.

And LOOK!!  Our very first tomato…EVER!  I think he deserves a name for being first.  We’ll call him Tom.  Haha!

And of course, Mr. and Mrs. Basil.  They just might be our prize winners.  They are doing splendid and I’ve already cooked with their clipped leaves three times.  There is definitely nothing better than fresh cut basil in an Italian dish.

So, all in all, I think our garden is quite a success after only one measly month.  I look forward to next month’s update!


One Response to “New Growth”

  1. katherine Says:

    Audrey–I found you! Your garden looks wonderful–hope you having a great weekend. I’m up waiting for my boys to get back from Relay for Life.