Making The Switch

We recently switched Baby Bear from icky soy formula which made him spit up ALL the time, to almond milk with flax seed oil. The difference has been unbelievable! He’s not as fussy, he’s only spit up once in the last four days, AND he likes it cold! Check with your pediatrician before making the switch, but if your baby is on formula, especially soy, consider this option that is not very well-known. Some pediatricians may not be open to this option, but ours is a vegetarian and chooses the natural option whenever possible…and let’s face it, there’s NOTHING natural about infant formula…YUCK!

Cloth diapering is going well. What a relief to go back to washing our diapers at the end of everyday, rather than having to run to the store at 10pm every 7 or 8 days when I realize I’ve run out. The babies don’t seem to have noticed a difference. We’ll see what birth-mom says at visitation tonight…should be interesting!

It’s suppose to rain today…starting at 1:00pm and ending TOMORROW. Hopefully the babies will take a nice long nap and I’ll get lots of school work done with Joshua. It’s really a jammie-kind-of-day, but I will have to leave my house around 1:30pm, so I guess I’d better get up and get moving.

Happy Monday!!


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