Taking Care of Your House

Yesterday was our first meeting for the Battlefield of the Mind study at church.

It was SO good. Here are some really good ‘one-liners’ from the first video:

Your situation may not be good, but GOD is good and He can turn a mess into a miracle and a tragedy into a truimph!

It is your responsibility to guard your heart and your mind. Your thoughts will produce your attitude!

Your body is the “house” you live in. If you destroy it, you have to leave! **that one may have been my favorite** How can you be prepared to fight bad thoughts/thinking and succeed at tests the Lord allows in your life if you are not rested and healthy?

You can’t be pitiful and powerful at the same time.

David encouraged himself in the Lord. You get a harvest by sowing good seeds!

Praise and worship is a weapon! Being thankful is part of praise and worship. We need to think a little less and thank a little more!

Okay, those are your little nuggets to think on for today. 🙂

Be blessed!


One Response to “Taking Care of Your House”

  1. Crystal Says:

    I absolutely love Joyce Meyer! I just finished her book I Dare You. It’s about finding and living your purpose. Can’t wait to check this one out.