Random Pics, Back To Reality

I’ve been playing around on Picnik again and finally got around to resizing and editing some of last month’s photos.

There are a few from Easter and also a few of Jesse and their only cousin, Lucy. (**Come on siblings, make some more babies!**)

Thankfully, picnik has a cool feature that allowed me to blur the faces of our foster children for privacy purposes.

Disclaimer: The boys were all extremely excited about wearing ties for Easter, but the rest of the outfit…well, the pictures speak for themselves. Oh, and Joshua desperately needed a haircut. Such is life!

In reference to yesterday’s extremely out-dated picture of my hot hubby and myself, well, this is today’s reality, scary as it may be:

Sweet Lucy with Jesse. Jesse seems to be her favorite of my three boys. Not sure if it’s because his name is the easiest to say, or maybe because they look a lot alike and have equal amounts of hyped-up energy. Either way, it’s adorable and Jesse was loving all the adoration and attention. 🙂

That’s all for today.

Happy Friday!


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