Back On The Roller Coaster

The good news is, everything went excellently in court yesterday. Many truths came out and everyone involved is surely looking out for the best interest of the children. I believe mom got a bitter taste of reality and was finally put in her place. They will be going to a relative soon if everything goes as planned.

The bad news, or potentially bad news, is that my boss spoke to the case worker for our girls and found out that the relative who wanted to take them and was denied has moved to a different home and asked for a new home evaluation. If that home evaluation is approved everything will be over and the girls will go to that relative. Ultimately, I know that would likely be the best scenario for the girls; to remain with family. But my heart aches at the thought of them never joining our family. We should know within 30 days how things will end up.

We’re trying to be realistic. We don’t want to sit here with our house open (no foster children), waiting for two little girls that will never end up coming. However, we also don’t want to jump into another placement when these children leave, only to find out that our girls are on their way and now we don’t have room for them! Why does it have to be so complicated? I’m still clinging to hope that these girls are meant to be ours and we will hear good news in the end. But either way, I know that God’s plans are to prosper us and not to harm us and we will have peace with whatever the outcome.

Time to get in the shower and pack for our picnic in the park with Jesse’s class. 🙂 They have a field trip to an assisted living facility and then a picnic in the park. It’s suppose to be our first 80 degree day today! Yay!!


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