
The in-home counselor came to visit Biggest Brother and Four Year Old yesterday afternoon. She was so sweet and we really hit it off. When she was finished visiting with the boys, she and I talked for almost an hour. It was completely ‘off the clock’ and it was wonderful. I feel like I’ve been so deprived of uninterrupted adult conversation for the last month; it was very refreshing.

Another unexpected therapy session: an impromptu visit from the Baileys!!! Ashley called me right before I left to pick Biggest Brother up from school and asked if she and all five kiddos could stop by. Of course I said yes! I hadn’t had them over since before the twins were born.

It was an abnormally warm day for December. A nice breeze was blowing and it was about 75 degrees out! All THIRTEEN of us sat outside for almost two hours. It was GLORIOUS! Ashley and I each held a twin while the other nine kids ran and jumped and climbed and squealed. It was like letting them outside for the first time after a long cold winter…but it’s only December and it hasn’t even been that cold! Hahaha!! My kids and the Bailey kids haven’t had a playdate like that in SOOoo long; it was much overdue and we could see it through the joy on their faces.

Yesterday was one of the best days I’ve had in a very long time. What is usually the “hours from hell” (between the hours of 4pm and 6pm…homework, restless toddlers, hungry children, daddy is not home from work yet, etc, etc…), turned into the best afternoon EVER.

Ashley and I haven’t sat down and just talked and laughed in way too long. I can’t even remember the last time. It was incredibly therapeutic. I went to church completely invigorated. I felt as if I could conquer anything.

Isn’t it crazy how a little visit from a friend can lift your spirits like that?

So, why don’t we recognize that our time with the Lord, even when it’s short, is SO important? Ashley and I talked briefly about how much we’ve lacked in our quiet times lately. We know how much different our day to day lives are without our time in the Word and in prayer, so why don’t we make it a priority? Even if all we do is read ONE verse and pray for FIVE minutes. Don’t you think your heavenly Father will bless that time? We do not serve an ‘all or nothing’ God. It’s not a matter of quantity as much as obedience.

I am recommiting myself to spending time every morning with the Lord. I cannot survive without His all sustaining strength, wisdom, grace, and mercy.

…Jesse was home sick yesterday after he puked at school yesterday morning. Today he had a field trip scheduled, but he had climbed into bed with Josh and me last night, so when the alarm went off at 6:45 this morning, I rolled over and asked Jesse if he’d rather go on his field trip or stay home with Mommy again. The choice was simple; stay home with Mommy. 🙂 As a result, I turned off the alarm clock, cuddled up with Jesse, and we ALL slept in until 8:15am. Oh glorious sleep! Biggest Brother was an hour late for school, but it was SO worth it.

Ashley stopped by this morning to pick up the boots Jonathan left in the backyard last night. She brought the kids inside so I could take Biggest Brother to school. I drove thru Starbucks (for the mommies) and Dunkin Donuts (for the kiddos) and headed back home to my house full of friends and kids. Right now I have baby Drew, Jonathan, and my youngest five while Ash runs to Kohls with her momma. Why didn’t we realize BEFORE now that this was all we needed?! Sure, it can get crazy with all these kids under one roof (or in one backyard), but isn’t CRAZY a little more bearable when your best friend is sitting next to you making you laugh?

We will definitely be doing this more often.

Happy Thursday!


One Response to “Therapy.”

  1. Heather@It's Twinsanity Says:

    Wow! I can’t even imagine how much you have going on right now. Continued prayers for Jesse, and all of you, during this adjustment time!