When the children were picked up on Monday, I casually said to the case worker, “I sure hope to talk to you soon.” Meaning, we’re looking forward to receiving more children. She smiled and agreed, but said that they had not received a new placement into the agency since the end of September. That surprised me, but I know it will happen in God’s timing, so that just gives us more time to pray for the next children that will come to us.

Imagine my surprise when the agency called me yesterday afternoon and said, “We have another possible placement!” It was a sibling group of four that they were trying to separate into two placements of two children each. They said if it worked out to separate them, we would either receive a two and a three year old…..or ONE YEAR OLD TWINS!!!! How awesome!! How crazy would that be for God to give me twins within month of Ashley having hers?? I immediately picked up the phone and called Ashley and asked her to start praying. I also told myself it probably wasn’t going to work out, so I truly didn’t let myself get excited. About 45 minutes later, the agency called back and said, “Sorry, DFCS decided to place with a different agency in hopes of keeping all four of the children together.” Yikes. God bless the family that receives four children ages three and under!

I know we’ll have news of another placement very soon. Until then, I’ll bask in the ease of only having THREE for the moment and just enjoy Christmas with my family.

Happy Thursday people! Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!


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