Saturday, Sunday, Oh Where is My Monday

Another hectic and stressful Saturday, followed by a busy Sunday, leaves me yearning for my sweet and faithful Monday.

I must give major props to my incredibly hot incredible husband. He has been unbelievable throughout the past month as we’ve all been adjusting to our new additions and all the challenges that have come with that. Daily, I find that the dishwasher has been emptied, there is a fresh trash bag in the trash can, the toddlers have new diapers/pull-ups on…all the things that he WOULD help me with in the past with lots and lots of nagging, but I’d have to ask or remind him a few times to get it done. He is my rock. He is strong when I am weak. He hears from the Lord when I’m too tired to even listen. He rubs my back at night without expecting anything in return…if you know what I mean! LOL!! 🙂 He has just been an awesome husband, partner, and friend and I wanted to give him much credit where credit is due. I love you Babe!

Today (Sunday) has been just about perfect. Church was without drama, which is always a good thing, but never guaranteed! We went over to my in-laws’ church to have lunch which was delicious and also without drama (seriously!)! Then we went home, put the little ones down for a nap, and Jesse and I jetted off to a birthday party for a little boy in his class. When we got home from the party, which was a TON of fun, Josh took Joshua out for a little while, just the two of them. I made dinner while the children played, we ate, and now everyone is in the living room watching America’s Funniest Videos before teeth brushing, jammies, and bed! I cannot believe tomorrow will be December 7. The SEVENTH! Christmas is 18 days away!!! YIKES!

I will end with this:

Someone gave me something anonymously this morning at church. It was a heavy paper bag containing a book and a jar. The jar was filled to the top with silver coins; nickles, dimes and quarters. The book was titled, “Christmas Jars.” I can’t wait to start the book tonight and tell you about it soon. Just another blessing in a very critical month for us. The jar contained almost $50 in change. Thank you Lord!

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We were challenged this morning in church to DO THE WORK. Don’t just talk about God’s goodness and how much he loves to bless his people. BE A PART OF IT! Let your actions match your passions. SHOW them God, don’t just talk about Him. Yes, I’m preaching to myself. 🙂

Have a great week. Look for ways God can use you ‘in the marketplace’.


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