I Am Still Alive

I feel like such a bad, bad blogger.

Surely it’s been over a week since I last sat at the computer?!

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are ready to face the New Year!! I had to laugh at my friend Kelli because she asked her readers a question and I thought for sure I was the only one with selfish, self-centered, ungrateful kids. This is what she asked,

“Please tell me I’m not the only one who have kids that have already broken a new Christmas toy and have uttered the words “I’m bored.”

No, Kelli, you most definitely are NOT the only one with kids like that. It makes me sad, and angry, and frustrated, and confused. I mean, where have we gone wrong? I certainly can tell you that our children have WAYYYYYYYY more than we ever had at this age. It was completely un-heard-of to eat fast food regularly when I was growing up. McDonald’s was a very special place that we only drove thru when we were going on REALLY long road trips and sandwiches simply wouldn’t last in the cooler without getting soggy. And when I say REALLY long road trips, I’m not talking about 5 or 6 hours in the car! My grandparents were ALWAYS a 12-15 hours away, and flying was not an option. There were no Starbucks Coffee shops on every corner, kids played OUTSIDE most of the year, and you only got new toys at Christmas and on your birthday…and even then, it was SOME new toys, not an entirely new TOYBOX full of toys.

I have to admit, our family did awesome this year. We have really stressed our feelings about the boys receiving too much at Christmas and everyone really has listened. This year, the boys got a FEW toys each and the family was given several new games and movies. When I got home from Christmas, I reorganized our game closet and, being the list QUEEN that I am, I took inventory so I could keep a running list of what games we have. The grand total….twenty-six games! I am beyond excited. My boys have hardly sat in front of the television for more than 10 minutes since Christmas.

Well, this is not what I intended this post to become, but, too late now.

I will say that I’ve finally gotten the wind back in my sails and I am beginning to recognize my old house again. I simply did not have time or motivation to get things back in order after the foster children left. We had the last week of school, Christmas shopping, cars to be repaired, family to visit, cookies to bake, blah, blah, blah……but FINALLY, I’ve had this entire week to stay home and CLEAN, do laundry, reorganize, make bags for Goodwill (I imagine this is the BEST time of the year to shop at Goodwill!).

My dad had surgery on his neck this past Monday, so the kids and I are about to load up (after a much needed shower) and spend the day taking care of him.

Double date with the Baileys on Saturday….VERY EXCITED!!

Diet starts Monday.



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