A Changed Man

I guess it should say “A Changed Woman”, but that just doesn’t sound as catchy. 🙂

The last two weeks have surely changed me already. I see my children through a different light now. I value and appreciatate my “normal” family structure more than ever before. I squeeze my kids a little tighter now with each hug. I give extra kisses every chance I get. I read extra stories at bedtime when asked. I’m a little more patient and a lot less critical.

Everyday I force myself to imagine what it must be like to be in our foster children’s shoes. Ripped from your parents, your home, your school, the friends you’ve known all your life; and three months before Christmas. I try to put myself in their parents’ shoes as well. Sure, they made some bad decisions that resulted in them losing their children temporarily, but surely they must anguish over how their children are being cared for. Whether their children are feeling loved and protected. Those things help me through the rough spots, when the foster children are mistreating my children in my house. That is hard to handle, but kids will be kids. These children have experienced a serious, traumatic event, or number of events. They’re going to act out at some point. I can’t even imagine how intolerable my children’s behavior would be if someone stole them from me and placed them with strangers.

Anyways, all that said, I am looking at the whole situation differently now; hopefully for the better. I want them to be able to look back on their stay at our house as one of the best times of their childhood. A place where they felt safe. A place where they knew no matter what they did, they would still be loved. A place where we defend and forgive one another and don’t let the sun go down on our anger. A place where the presence of the Lord is felt in every room.

This is it. The last day of school for the week. Thanksgiving break. Yikes. I’m praying for good weather. I’m trying to think of good creative things to do with the kids: baking, crafts, ornament making, finger painting, scavenger hunting, game playing. It will be a good week. A mere taste of CHRISTMAS BREAK! Do you have any creative suggestions? Do share!

Thank you Father for family!


One Response to “A Changed Man”

  1. Laura Says:

    I can’t wait to meet the kids! I am truly in Awe… I have no idea how you go straight from 3 to 6! adding one every year or so is one thing but three at a time is another. It is awesome to see how God works in the big and the small ways. Can’t wait to see you all at Christmas! Tell them ALL Aunt Laura says hi ; )