Archive for October, 2009

A Pirate’s Life For Me

Friday, October 9th, 2009

This week has flown by with fall activities beginning and it was Homecoming week at Jesse’s school. Yesterday was “Pirate Day” so I had to get very creative with Jesse’s outfit. We didn’t have ANYTHING “piratey” so I decided to use face paint for the patch and a little facial “hair”, an old white shirt, some old brown pants that NONE of the boys can wear anymore. They’re even too short for Owen. I shredded the bottom of the pants and put them on Jesse. I said, “Ok, do they hurt your belly?” Jesse said no. Josh looked at me and said, “Why, what size are they??” 24 MONTHS!!! My five year old fit into 24 month pants. Yikes. Then we borrowed a hat from a friend at church and that completed his absolutely adorable Pirate outfit. It was a fun week.





Fire Men, Picnics, and Bee Stings, OH MY!

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

Last Friday, Jesse’s class took a field trip to the Fire Department. They had a lot of fun learning about fire safety and getting to touch all of the cool gear, tools, bells, and whistles. Josh was able to attend this field trip with me, so that was sweet and Jesse really enjoyed Daddy being there. 🙂





After the Fire Department, the parents met the kids at one of our local parks for a picnic. Being the ever-efficient, not-always-domestic mom that I am, I drove thru Sonic on my way to the park and picked up grilled cheese sandwiches for me and mine. Another novelty from Sonic is Rootbeer. My kids don’t get soda very often, so whenever we go to Sonic, they all three get Rootbeer. Unfortunately, there were lots of little bumble bees all around the picnic area at the park. The children ate quickly and scurried off to the play ground. I wish I had gotten a picture of Josh helping each and every kid from their class go across the monkey bars. It reminded me of Eddie Murphy in Daddy Day Care when he has to do “rocket ship” with all of the kids…it was hilarious and sweet. Anyways, at the end, we were gathering our things to leave so we passed back through the picnic area and Jesse grabbed his Rootbeer to bring in the car. Next thing I know, he’s SCREAMING and his cup is on the ground. Apparently there was more than one bumble bee on his cup and even one IN his straw. He got stung, not once, but twice. Once on his cheek and once on his bottom lip. He was absolutely pitiful and inconsolable for about 15 minutes.



What a way to end a perfectly good field trip on a Friday afternoon! I’m just SO thankful he is not allergic to bees. Up until this point, I wouldn’t have known one way or another.

He’s fine now. 🙂


Jesse’s Thoughts on God

Tuesday, October 6th, 2009
The other day I was playing a game with the boys and Jesse complained that he ALWAYS goes last, which is not true, but I guess he feels like that.  I leaned over and told him that there is a verse in the Bible that says “…the last shall be first…”  He got a big smile on his face and said, “Does that mean God will let me go first when we play games in heaven?”
Today, Jesse said, “Mommy, do you think God laughs?”  My response was, “Absolutely!”  I guess that’s the answer he was expecting because he followed up with, “Probably when Jesus tells him jokes!”