A Pirate’s Life For Me

This week has flown by with fall activities beginning and it was Homecoming week at Jesse’s school. Yesterday was “Pirate Day” so I had to get very creative with Jesse’s outfit. We didn’t have ANYTHING “piratey” so I decided to use face paint for the patch and a little facial “hair”, an old white shirt, some old brown pants that NONE of the boys can wear anymore. They’re even too short for Owen. I shredded the bottom of the pants and put them on Jesse. I said, “Ok, do they hurt your belly?” Jesse said no. Josh looked at me and said, “Why, what size are they??” 24 MONTHS!!! My five year old fit into 24 month pants. Yikes. Then we borrowed a hat from a friend at church and that completed his absolutely adorable Pirate outfit. It was a fun week.





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