Will You Cover Me?

Hello everyone!

I can’t believe school has begun again, fall is quickly approaching, and the holidays will be here before you know it! As many of you know, we’ve been in the process for almost a year now, to become foster parents. It has been a LONG, but smooth, journey that has seemed to have no end. Each and every month it has felt like we’re told, “Probably just another three or four weeks.” Each month has come and gone with another trail of paperwork dragging behind. Well the wait is OVER….mostly!
The final leap in the process is our random drug test, which we did last Friday (try to explain to your little boys why Mommy has to pee in a cup for the foster agency!? I told them it was to make sure I’m healthy, which is basically true 🙂 Our finalized home study is already back in Atlanta at the agency’s headquarters and will be checked and filed any day now. On Friday of last week, we were told it would probably be two or three weeks before we receive our “placements” (two foster children), but then I got a call on Monday (three days ago) saying that all our references had finally been called and it could be as soon as NEXT WEEK that we get that long awaited call.
My request to you is that you begin to cover us in prayer. We are so very excited about this new season in our life. There are MANY unknowns, but one thing is for sure; the Lord has prepared us “for such a time as this”. We know for sure that He called us to do this and it has been evident every step of the way.

Please pray that we, especially our boys, will adjust well to the new children in our home.

Pray that I will continue to stand strong in my organization of our household so the transition is smooth.

Pray that Josh and I will have the perseverence to draw closer to the Lord, and in turn, to each other, as we adjust to two new children in our home.

Pray that everyone around us, including our families, will love and accept these children, just as they do ours (I know that will take time).

Please be praying for these two children, whoever they are (we don’t know the age, the sex, their history, or ANYTHING…yet), that God would begin, even now, to prepare their hearts for our home and that they would be able to receive all the love and care that we have for them.

Pray also for the birth parents of these children. Our agency highly encourages, if the situation is right, for the foster mom to ‘mentor’ the birth mom. Many of these women have never been “shown” how to be a mom. They may not have a clue how to keep a house clean, they may not know how to “cook” a meal that doesn’t involve the microwave, and they may have never been modeled how to truly love and care for their children.

It really feels like Christmas day is approaching…you know you’ve got something waiting for you; it’s wrapped up in GREAT anticipation, but you can’t shake it, smell it, listen to it, NOTHING…all you can do is wait until you’re given permission to rip it open and enjoy it. We could get as little as a few HOURS notice when the time finally comes for the children to arrive. Please pray that we get at LEAST 24 hours to prepare. This weekend I will be frantically putting the finishing touches on their room, which just happens to include a new coat of paint and window treatments. I’m very excited about that. I will have to wait until the children arrive to really personalize it since I don’t know whether we’re getting boys or girls. I’ll take a picture of the room when we finish.

I’m asking you to cover us in your prayers in the coming weeks. I look forward to the day when I can post the exciting news of our new arrivals. It will be here sooner than I can imagine!


One Response to “Will You Cover Me?”

  1. Cacy Says:

    what an exciting time in your lives!! we will be praying for a smooth transition! can’t wait to hear about your “new” kids~what a blessing!