Child-Like Awe


Owen is my baby. He’s the youngest of my three boys and is 20 months old. He is babied by the bigger boys and probably by Josh and me as well. He loves to play outside and get dirty and sometimes he can be a real loner. Today, he went out back to play by himself. I was watching him from the kitchen window and saw him looking up with his jaw hanging open. Something had caused him to pause in awe. I grabbed my camera and went outside to share in his experience. His head was turning back and forth, left and right, up and down, as the birds and the squirrels played, jumped, and flew from one tree top to the next. Owen was enjoying the majesty of God’s creation, as if for the first time. It is such a joy to watch our children grow and explore and discover things for the first time. Things that we take for granted and no longer stop us in our tracks. Things that no longer make us weep before the Lord in thanksgiving and wonder. I’m enjoying my journey to having a heart more like Mary and less like Martha. I just put Owen down for a nap and the big boys are playing out front. I’m going to go walk on the treadmill in the garage and spend some time with Joshua and Jesse. It is an absolutely GORGEOUS day. Sunny and 70. 🙂 God is so good.


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